
Scam-Block-Plus vs McAfee

By: Eldad Zamler

Does Scan-Block-Plus Eliminate the Need for Anti-Virus?

ScamBlockPlus is an Anti-Phishing Chrome Extension.
It is not an Anti-Virus. McAfee on the other hand is an Anti-Virus.

Each has advantages and disadvantages.

Scam-Block-Plus does not eliminate the need for anti-virus
such as McAfee. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to
use both tools.

Comparison results:
# Features Scam-Block-Plus McAfee
1 Blocks typing credentials, credit-card info, etc' in untrusted websites
2 Strong incognito in untrusted websites
3 Prevents logging into Google, Facebook, ... from untrusted websites
4 Block downloads of files containing malware in untrusted websites
5 Blocks attachments containing malware in emails
6 Blocks malware which takes advantage of operating-system bugs
7 Built-in Firewall
8 Scans computer to locate existing infected files


Anti-Phishing Extension should be used as a
layer of protection in addition to the Anti-Virus.